Logo One Planet


Duration 45 minutes

Language Dutch (English audio available with MobileConnect)

Narrated by n/a

Themes History, Religion, Culture

This film will be shown in full dome.

Parents are advised to use their own judgement whether or not this film is suitable for their children.

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Jerusalem takes you on an inspiring journey to one of the oldest cities in the world. The city has been destroyed and rebuilt several times over the past 5,000 years, but has retained a mysterious appeal.

What made the city so important to so many different cultures? How did the city grow into the center of the world for the three major religions? Why is it still important to us? The film attempts to answer these questions by following three young residents of Jerusalem and their Jewish, Christian and Muslim families. Through their eyes we see what it means to be a citizen of Jerusalem.

Rare and breathtaking aerial images of the old city
The film tries to inspire people with stories. But it also makes clear why this part of the world appeals to the imagination of billions of people. Exquisite images of the city's holiest sites, as well as rare and breathtaking aerial views of the Old City, make Jerusalem a unique and beautiful cinematic experience.

  • Jerusalem Westmuur
  • Masada
  • Jordaan
  • Rotskoepel