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Pandas, the Journey Home
Pandas, the Journey Home

Pandas, the Journey Home

Duration 45 minutes

Language Dutch (English audio available with MobileConnect)

Narrated by Anna Drijver

Themes Nature, Animals, Pandas

This film will be shown in full dome.

Parents are advised to use their own judgement whether or not this film is suitable for their children.

This film follows the pandas of the Wolong Panda Center at an important moment in their history. After decades, three hundred giant pandas have been bred. The next step is to return them to nature. This happens in phases, step by step they are trained in increasingly larger nature reserves and finally released completely into the wild, their natural environment, into the ecosystem where they belong.

For the Chinese, the panda bear is their national symbol and the Chinese government is investing many millions to save the panda bear from extinction. We meet the pandas at the center as they prepare for their new lives, learning about fascinating habits and jokes. Pandas not only look cute, they also turn out to be very funny. We also see the dedication of the scientists who work day and night for these special animals. And we follow one panda in particular, Tao Tao, who starts his adventurous life in the wild in the bamboo forest.