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Volcanoes - the Fires of Creation

Duration 40 minutes

Language Dutch (English version available via the app "Sennheiser MobileConnect"

Narrated by n/a

Themes Volcanoes, Geology

This film will be shown in full dome.

Parents are advised to use their own judgement whether or not this film is suitable for their children.

For billions of years, volcanoes have forged our world into the shape we know today, with special ecosystems and unique animals. The story of the volcanoes is the story of the earth and of ourselves.

Join National Geographic photographer Carsten Peter on an adventure as he snaps photos on the edge of active volcanoes in Indonesia, descends into dangerous lava lakes in Vanuatu and visits geysers in Ethiopia. We also visit the archaeological city of Pompeii, which was completely buried during a prolonged volcanic eruption in 79 AD. We complete the adventure with a look at the bottom of the ocean at the hydrothermal vents and experience the consequences of the Kilauea eruption in Hawaii in 2018.

There are more than 500 active volcanoes worldwide, and many more inactive, all of which help create ecosystems and shape the Earth. Experience it from the edge of your seat!

Tip: Bekijk ook de tentoonstelling > Vulkanen en aardbevingen in de One Planet Expo!

Daytime shows

Mandatory combination ticket with museum visit

Tuesday 3 December, 15:00 hours

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Friday 13 December, 13:00 hours

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Monday 16 December, 13:00 hours

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Wednesday 18 December, 13:00 hours

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List all daytime shows